Christopher Hollingsworth

adminNorth America, Sponsored Athletes, World Cup 2018 AthletesLeave a Comment

Christopher_Hollingsworth_HeadshotWhen I was younger I was always climbing things and jumping around. I was really into video games and t.v shows like Prince of Persia and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I loved imitating them, they inspired me in a way that nothing else ever did. Everything about the way they moved and acted was just so appealing to me

that I was drawn to anything that resembled them in any way. On July 28th 2006 one of my Martial Arts teachers saw me doing a cartwheel off a ledge and asked me if I had ever heard of Parkour. I had never heard of it, so he pulled up Oleg’s “Russian Climber” video and showed it to me. I remember watching that video at 13 and deciding right then and there that Parkour is what I wanted to do with my life. From that day on I had a name to put to what I had been doing for as long as I could remember.

Parkour has taught me a lot about myself and other people and has opened the way to many opportunities and experiences. By travelling around I’ve gotten to know tons of incredible and talented people, honestly the best times of my life have been spent training and hanging out with people I’ve just met!

My passion lies in achieving and helping others achieve.

I’m just here to have fun and help others do the same

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